The next meeting of the Rock County Progressives will be on Wednesday September 7 at 6:30 PM.
We will be discussing plans for our October forum. I’m thinking maybe we should do one on past and future recalls? Ideas for topics/speakers are welcome, e-mail me at if you have some good suggestions and are unable to make the meeting.
It will be followed by a social gathering At 7:00 PM, “Drinking Liberally.” This is a national organization with chapters in Madison & Milwaukee. While it is sponsored by RCP, it is not affiliated.
Location: Fins in Newville: Fins Bar and Grill | 723 Ellendale Road, Edgerton, WI 53534 | 608.884.0346
"Drinking liberally" doesn't mean a lot or necessarily alcohol :-).
We are being a bit more organized this fall, all of our meetings/socials will be held on the 1st Wednesday of each month, and the forums will be the 2nd Wednesday.
Hope to see you there!
Sept. 7 - Drinking Liberally Meeting
Sept. 3rd - West Allis Counter-Hate
Neo-Nazis are planning a rally in West Allis on Sept. 3, hoping to capitalize on a racially charged incident that took place recently at the Wisconsin State Fair.
In response, the people of West Allis and Milwaukee are organizing a massive counter-rally to reject the Nazi message of racism and hate. Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice has arranged for buses from Madison to West Allis. Bus fare is $15, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Call 608-250-9240 to reserve your seat.
Event Date:
Peace Action is in process of working out with dozens of organizations to counter a Nazi rally that is taking place at City Hall in West Allis on Sept. 3 at 2:00pm. We will be hosting a press conference at 12:00pm with community allies and Mayor Dan Devine of West Allies, location TBA. We will also be demonstrating beginning at 1:00pm in West Allis, further details forthcoming. Please contact or call 414-964-5158 to get involved.
Sept. 1st - Ryan's Office Speak-Out!
Soup Kitchen and Speak-Out!
Thursday, September 1 · 5:00pm - 7:00pm
US Congressman Paul Ryan's Janesville Office
20 S. Main Street
Janesville, WI
Please Join Nurses for a Soup Kitchen and Speak-Out!
Buses Leaving from Madison:
3:30pm: Memorial Union; 4pm: GEF Bldg (King + Webster St)
We'll bring a much needed dose of reality to US Congressman Paul Ryan, while feeding the people that Wall Street and its political lackeys have devastated and turned their backs on.
Tell Congressman Ryan “Where It Hurts” in Janesville!
While Wall Street banks got bailed out of the financial crisis that THEY caused, Main Street towns like Janesville are suffering!
Deep cuts in social services, further corporate tax-breaks and schemes to privatize Medicare and Social Security will only result in the further devastation of Main Street.
Urge US Congressman Paul Ryan to support a Tax on Wall St. to bring quality jobs, housing, healthcare and education back to Main Street!
Buses Leaving from Madison:
3:30pm: Memorial Union
4pm: GEF Bldg (King + Webster St)
(Returning approx. 8pm)
Please call Jan at 510-757-5925 to save a seat on the bus, or for endorsements or questions.
Aug.25 - Madison, Workers Unite!
Time Thursday, August 25 · 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Location Library Mall up State Street to Capitol steps
Created By J Eric Cobb
On this day Wisconsin State Employees will receive up to a 13% pay cut courtesy of Gov. Walker. This pay cut does not just impact state workers, but all Wisconsinites.
The Economic Policy Institute estimates that wage reductions implemented by Act 10 will cost the state nearly $1 billion in economic activity. Walker and his cronies demand wage cuts for workers while offering massive handouts to corporations and the super-wealthy.
Sign Up to Join this rally and read more here.
Peoples Rights Campaign
Aug. 15 - Recall Lawn Party JVL
Meet at 515 St. Lawrence Ave, Janesville. Home of Cathy Aubrecht
Vivian Creekmore