Rock River Clean-up Effort

“Janesville Pride” has been a long standing motto here in River City. Those sentiments are still here and we all feel it-we all believe it. We would like to introduce an effort where our Janesville Pride can proudly be displayed again! Join us on July 31, 2010 as we show our pride by participating in the Rock River Sweep program where we all pitch in and clean-up areas along the Rock River. This participation will only ask for 3 hours of effort between 8:30 and 11:30 AM on Saturday, July 31.

Our local effort is called “Rock’n’Janesville” and we propose to clean-up both sides of the Rock River, from the south end of Janesville to the north end, and then also extending to Indianford. Local sponsors include Stateline Recycling, Harborfest Aquatics, The Tool House, Inc., and the City of Janesville. Additionally, our local effort is also supported by American Rivers and the Rock River Sweep organizations.

As co-directors, Dave Peterson and Dave Wirth will be heading this important annual project. The primary goal for 2010 is to raise the awareness of why cleaning up the Rock River is of paramount importance. We believe that since the Rock River was the natural focal point of a young Janesville it should come back full-circle and become the focal point again for the years to come. An attractive and beautiful river and riverfront can only enhance prospects of bringing people and business to our city.

To this end, we are initiating this clean-up effort this year by asking that service groups take ownership of a section of the river to clean-up. The requested area of the river can be large or small but it can become yours to clean. That’s the Janesville Pride we referred to earlier. Also, for individual civic leaders who want to help we will assemble a pool of people who can be assigned to assist volunteer service groups. As a service to you we would also be happy to present to your group a 10 minute show with images and information concerning this Rock’n’Janesville Project.

If you are interested and would like more information please join us, Dave Peterson and Dave Wirth, representing the Rock’n’Janesville Group for the July 31, 2010 Rock River Sweep Program, at 7 PM on July 6, 2010 at M&I Bank at 100 North Main Street. (Use the Parker Drive entrance to the bank.) In the meantime, please contact us at 608-290-8809 or 608-774-0141 for more information.

You can also find us on Facebook

Thank you for considering being involved in this important activity for the Janesville and Rock River area! Rock’n’Janesville has Janesville Pride!