Starting April 20th we will meet every Monday from 6:30-8:00pm
(5 week discussion course with bonus celebration on the sixth week)
NatuRescue is hosting a new discussion course this spring that will help you discover ways to simplify your life. This course addresses the distractions of modern society that keep us from caring for ourselves, our relationships, and our environment. The course book of readings is compiled by the Northwest Earth Institute.
Meet great people, enjoy adult discussions and potentially simplify your life by joining us for this self-reflecting discussion topic. You will be glad you did!
There will be a small material fee for the course. If you would like to join but cannot afford the cost of materials, there will be a limited number of gifted books provided by NatuRescue. Seating is limited.
Please contact Lynn 758-5748 or Jim (608) 575-5653
for more info. and/or to reserve your spot!
NatuRescue of Milton
(NWEI volunteers)
(see more info on NWEI here.
Discussion Course at Milton Public Library
Two Health Care Reform Events In Janesville
Health Care Reform Community Discussion
You are invited to join Paulette Garin, 2008 Democratic Congressional Candidate and current State Coordinator for the Leadership Conference for Guaranteed Health Care, in a Community Discussion regarding Health Care Reform.
Paulette will present the various plans that are currently being discussed in Congress. In addition, you are invited to share your health care concerns.
Time: Tuesday, June 30 from 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
29 South (Janesville, WI)
29 S. Main Street
Janesville, WI 53545
Time: Tuesday, June 30 from 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Basics Cooperative Natural Foods (Janesville, WI)
1711 Lodge Drive
Janesville, WI 53545
For more details and events in your area, go to
Poetry Read/Fund Raiser
Come for one! Come for both!
Hosts: Russ Allen and Annie Showers-Curtis
When: Wednesday, May 27, 2009,
7 p.m. - ?
Where: Codos, 119 North Main St., Janesville
(Between Main St. Saloon and Perfectly Plus)
Poetry Read
Read your poetry or someone else’s. Hear what the minds in your community are thinking, writing and talking about!
This event is for ALL ages.
Fund Raiser
Help Annie raise about $800 more to attend a graphics program in June at Minneapolis
College of Art and Design.
About Codos:
Sweet local coffee house in a delicious post-Beat tradition. Russ created a Euro-style hotbed of creativity. Flavors of kitsch, Bohemia, elegance. Hard to imagine? Come see for yourself!
Russ serves plain and flavored coffees, teas, sodas and other beverages for $1 - $2.
About Annie:
Teachers, peers and assorted adults have been WOW’d by Annie’s self-taught graphics and videos from her wild imagination!
She has earned a $1,000 scholarship to this program, has raised another $500, and is slated to make another payment on June 5.
If you want to assist Annie with any size contribution, but can’t make the poetry read, call Denise (Annie’s mom) at (608) 289-0682. Or send a check payable to Annie Showers-Curtis, 117 N. Atwood Ave., Janesville, WI, 53545. If you would like Annie to address your group and show her art and design work, please call!
If you want to come to hear or read poetry, but not contribute – please come! Annie and Russ want to meet you!
Beloit Area Spring Clean-Up
The TOWN OF BELOIT & CITY OF BELOIT & TOWN OF TURTLE are hosting a Residential City Wide Clean Up Day.
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
at the City of Beloit Recycling Drop off Site
2351 Springbrook Ct., 364-2929
Sponsored by The City of Beloit, Town of Beloit and Town of Turtle
The City of Beloit DPW will be accepting:
Bring in your CLOTHING and TEXTILES items left over from your rummage sale.
Used EYE GLASSES and HEARING AIDS, will be donated to the Lions Club.
FREE - Residential ELECTRONICS/COMPUTER recycling - FREE
Additional Sponsors include: CRT Processing & Samsung
Laptop Computer
Stereo System
Zip Drive
Keyboard, Mouse & Speakers
All Televisions