From: Rock Environmental Network
Janesville residents, your attention please!
1. File Resolution 2008-500 Authorizing over 15 million dollars in Spending (general obligation notes)
2. Council Policy Statement #81, Presentation and Action on a proposed Sustainable Janesville Committee
and File Resolution 2008-508, Action on a proposed resolution adopting eco-municipality guidelines for sustainable practices.
When: Tuesday, May 27th, 2008, 7:00 PM
Where: City Council Chambers, 18 N Jackson St, Janesville, 4th Floor
For What:
1. File Resolution 2008-500 - 15,245,000.00 in general obligation promissory notes
Administration outlines the spending proposal, item by item in the Council's full agenda packet, available on line at Janesville City Website - left side of the screen, click "Council Agenda",then "Click here to access the Council Meeting agenda...) then "agenda packet", then "2008" and May 27, then "full agenda packet." The Project descriptions start on page 75 of the full packet. The Council will have the opportunity to remove items, or table them for a later date, but will not be able to add items at this time.
RECOMMENDATIONS: Review the spending proposal and contact your Council Members if there are items in the proposal that you want deleted or tabled until a later date. Specific items include 1.4 M for the Youth Sports Facility, 3M for a new East side water reservoir, among others. Take the time to read this packet, as you will be paying for these items unless you contact your Council.
2. Sustainable Janesville Committee "Green" and Adoption of eco-municipality guidelines for sustainable practices
Both of these agenda items are huge successes for our local efforts to clean up our local environment, and bring environmental issues to the spotlight! Your presence at the Council Meeting to support both of these programs will prove to Administration that residents are interested in working towards a cleaner Janesville!
RECOMMENDATIONS: Yes & yes to both items! Since Administration is not naming citizens to the Sustainability Committee, you may want to offer to serve on this committee.
What you can do at the meeting: Upon entering the City Council Chambers, to speak, sign up on the register to the right when entering, under new business (for items #2 on this email), or under old business, for item 1, and include your name and address. When called, you will go to the podium. Be sure to have your notes written down, so you don't forget what you want to say. State your name and address for the record, and address the Council. Make your statements and thank the Council. They appreciate Citizens that get to the point, as there will be many wishing to speak. You may choose to simply say, "I agree with the comments made by --------."
If you are unable to attend, please email your Council Members to voice your opinion on these issues. citycouncil@ci.janesville.wi.us
Access the City Council's agenda packet at Janesville City Website and review the materials.
"When people lead, the leaders will follow." Thank you for support, and please pass this email on to other concerned citizens.
Rock Environmental Network (should be up again next week, thanks for your patience)